Workflow Management

Create a Workflow

Walk through the steps of creating a new workflow. Add one or multiple groups of users and set who can approve a workflow process.

Video Transcript

In this video, we’re going to walk through the steps of creating a new Workflow.

Let’s start with entering Edit Mode.

And we’ll navigate to the Security Panel.

Then to the Workflow panel.

We can see the current Workflows that have been created in CentricMinds.

And we can choose one of these Workflows.

And we can choose to Modify, Delete, Copy, View the Status or View the Details of the chosen Workflow.

Let’s start with viewing the Details.

Here we can see that this Workflow, called the ‘Change Request’ Workflow, is not associated with any Roles or Groups, and has no Escalation setup.

As we can see, this Change Request Workflow has only one Approval Step.

This Approval Step is handled by a Group known as the ‘Workflow Approvers’.

We can see that Terry Dawson is the only Approver within the Workflow Approvers Group.

Workflow tasks are commonly assigned to Groups of Users.

These users have the same set of content and site permissions.

It’s a good idea to keep this in mind when designing a Workflow.

Let’s select the ‘Change Request’ Workflow, and Modify it.

A Workflow simply requires a Name.

It also requires a Process Step.

A process type is simply the different types of approvals and their actions.

The first process type is ‘Non Unanimous’. This simply means that any approver in the group can approve or decline the request.

For example, if you had three people in the approvers group, only one of these people is required to either approve or decline the workflow.

The second process type is ‘Unanimous’, which is the opposite, and requires all three people to approve the workflow for it to be successfully completed.

Finally, the ‘Ordered’ process type enables you to set in what sequence you want different Approval Groups to action the workflow.

For example, if you have multiple Approval Groups like Marketing, Finance and Operations, you can decide in which order the workflow is reviewed and approved by the people in these different Groups.

We’ll keep it set to ‘Ordered’.

Next, we have the ability to set up some Notifications.

You can setup notifications after a certain number of days is reached.

Let’s say after a period of five days we want to send a specific message, which is just a Text Item you can create.

And we can define some actions around what this message should do.

Using notifications, you can design your own messages based on the custom Workflows that you create.

You can set a state for when a Workflow is declined.

You can choose to lock it, or you can archive it.

You can also set an expected duration for when a workflow should be completed by.

This field accepts values in the following formats; minutes, hours and days.

So you’re able to set a timeframe for when the workflow is expected to be completed.

You can set both View and Author permissions for the Workflow.

This enables you to choose that only people in Marketing and Operations can oversee this Workflow

You can also choose who can create and author a Workflow.

In this video, we want users within the ‘Development’ group to be able to modify this workflow.

The process step is where we set the rules for the workflow.

In this case, we can see there is one group. The ‘Workflow Approvers’ group.

And they are set as the only group of approvers for the ‘Change Request’ workflow.

Now we’re going to build a new Workflow.

The first step is to create a new Group.

Here we can see these are the current Groups.

And we’ve got the Workflow Approvers Group.

And as we viewed earlier, it has one User associated; Terry Dawson.

Click on ‘Add’.

You can create a Group based on the ‘Organizational Unit’ Group.

Or you can create a new Rights Group, we you can select individual users as approvers.

For this video, we’re going to create a new Rights Group.

Let’s call it ‘New Job Request’.

And for the new Rights Group, we’ll choose the user Beth Travers.

She will be the only approver for this Group.

We can then set the access if we want, but we’ll leave it blank for now.

If we wanted to, we can set a Landing Page for this new Rights Group.

For example, when Beth Travers logs into the site, we can direct her to a specific page within the site.

So we could choose than when she logs in, Beth is redirected to the Marketing page.

You can direct people from a particular Group to be taken to a particular Workspace page that presents information relevant to them, like important updates for that Group.

In this example, we’ll leave this blank as we just want to assign Beth Travers with the new Rights Group called ‘New Job Request’.

We’ll then click ‘Next’.

You can now see the ‘New Job Request’ Rights Group appears in the panel.

Choose it and then click on Details.

We can see there is only one User, Beth Travers.

We can also see that this new Rights Group is currently not associated with any Roles or Workflows.

So let’s go and create the new Workflow.

Click on ‘Add’.

And we’ll call this the ‘New Job Request’ Workflow.

Let’s choose Ordered.

And we’ll scroll down and choose the new Group we just created.

And we’ll select the New Job Request Rights Group.

Click Select.

And click ‘Add’.

You can now see for the New Job Request Workflow, we’ve assigned the New Job Request Rights Group.

We’ll click ‘Next’.

You’ll now see the new workflow has been created.

Select it and click on ‘Details’.

You can see this workflow has one approval step called the ‘New Job Request’ Rights Group.

And Beth Travers is the single approver.

Creating a workflow in CentricMinds is a simple process of adding one or multiple groups of users, and defining who the approvers will be within the workflow.