Page Management


Find out how you can use web page metadata to present content in different locations such as the homepage and even automate how content is presented using tags.

Video Transcript

In this training session, we’re going to step through page metadata.

To recap, metadata is essentially tags that are used to categorize content and data.

Within CentricMinds, metadata is used to organize content.

And one of the more visible places in CentricMinds to view the use of metadata is within Drive. Where users can add tags to files that are stored within folders.

If we click on a tag, CentricMinds will display all files that have been tagged with the Research tag.

So the Research tag is metadata.

If we go to a page in the site, in this case the Marketing page.

When we jump into Edit mode.

And go to the Page Settings. We want to look at the metadata for this page.

Currently, there is mandatory metadata.

And there is also optional metadata.

We’ll focus on Mandatory metadata.

We can see this page isn’t tagged with any Department.

Let’s say this page relates to the Marketing Department and Development.

And then we can add some tags.

So let’s add in Marketing, Advertising.

One unique use of Metadata is that it gives us the ability to present content in different locations within the site.

In this example, there’s a spotlight on the homepage that allows us to present the Marketing page on the homepage of the Intranet.

We won’t set this for now.

But, we’ll save this page with the related Department and the tags.

And we’ll click Save.

One notifiable different is that the page now lists key contacts.

And these key contacts are related to the Department metadata we’ve associated with the page.

So, if we add more.

Let’s add Finance and HR metadata to the page. So now we’ve got four departments.

Let’s save that.

You’ll now see that the page will list more people who are associated with the additional departments. So, by associating departmental metadata to a page, we can display contacts.

Now let’s publish the page.

And exit Edit mode.

Once the page is published.

We’ll see the updated page, along with the key contacts listed from the different departments.

Now, let’s go to the homepage.

We can see the homepage carousel is now displaying these two articles.

We now want to promote our Marketing page to appear here on the homepage.

Let’s go back to the Marketing page, and switch to Edit mode.

This time, we’re going into the Mandatory metadata.

And we want to Spotlight this Marketing page on the homepage.

Let’s save that.

And publish the page again.

Now when we go to the homepage.

We can see that the Marketing page appears on the homepage carousel.

This is a quick overview of how you can manage and apply metadata to pages within CentricMinds.