Find out how you can choose what people can see and post. Using permissions, make discussions and files secure, and invite just the right people to join.
Logging into the App as Amy
In this video, we’re going to log into the app as Amy.
Amy has limited permissions to access some of the functions and content within the app.
When Amy taps and chooses to navigate to Resources, we can see that Amy can only view these folders with Drive.
When Amy taps and chooses to view Discussions, we can see that in addition to the general Discussions, Amy can only view the Marketing Discussion.
Tapping on the Marketing Discussion, Amy can view all posts made by other users.
She can Like a post.
And she can make a comment on an existing post.
Pulling down on the discussion will refresh the list.
And she can view her new comment.
Logging into the App as Matt
In this video, we’re going to log into the app as Matt.
Matt has limited permissions to access some of the functions and content within the app.
When Matt taps and chooses to navigate to Resources, we can see that Matt can only view these folders within Drive.
When Matt taps and chooses to view Discussions, we can see that he can only view the Product Development Discussion.
Tapping on the Product Development Discussion, Matt can view all posts made by other users.
He can choose to Like some of the existing posts.
And he can make a comment on an existing post.
Pulling down on the discussion will refresh the list.
Matt can choose to edit his own comment.
And he can tap on the location map to view the location in detail.